Educational and solidarity projects

Our action
Educational and solidarity projects
The IMAD association for youth and peace organizes educational sites and trips that are considered as an opportunity for certain youth in difficulties of (re)discovering the meaning of caring, of dialogue and collaboration. It works the same way with single ladies or with ladies weakened by terrorism. For the projects with the teens, the adults supervise the participants with benevolence and firmness. They encourage them not to “unhook” and to take their role among the society where they feel excluded. This is made by constant reminder of the Republican values, witch some of the youth don’t recognize; this is where they watch out from dangers such as identity fall. Because she is aware of the growing inequalities, from this gap that is being dug in the difficult neighbourhoods and the rest urban areas and peri-urban areas, threatening to tear apart the social fabric, Latifa Ibn Ziaten estimates that each one of us should face questions that we prefer sometimes to avoid, redefine her landmarks and attempt to defuse the tensions that weaken our society.
Every one of us knows these tensions. The French society is in constant evolution, but France should remain it-self: a country whose logo shows a spirit of openness and tolerance that it must preserve. All
the children of France, no matter what their history is, no matter of their origins, no matter of their beliefs, are the daughters and sons of the Republic. And They must be recognized as such. it is in our hands to live the equality of chances that will give back the vitality to our national cohesion. Among the association, Latifa Ibn Ziaten would like that at the end of each experience, the youth could keep on sharing the values of living together and to understand the meaning of respecting the human soul, beyond the differences. All the presented projects here express what the association IMAD wants to be: a group of actions led by the benefit of the youth, but also by weakened ladies by terrorism and on a wider aspect, families. It is also a power to serve peace.
The IMAD association for youth and peace organizes educational sites and trips that are considered as an opportunity for certain youth in difficulties of (re)discovering the meaning of caring, of dialogue and collaboration. It works the same way with single ladies or with ladies weakened by terrorism. For the projects with the teens, the adults supervise the participants with benevolence and firmness. They encourage them not to “unhook” and to take their role among the society where they feel excluded. This is made by constant reminder of the Republican values, witch some of the youth don’t recognize; this is where they watch out from dangers such as identity fall. Because she is aware of the growing inequalities, from this gap that is being dug in the difficult neighbourhoods and the rest urban areas and peri-urban areas, threatening to tear apart the social fabric, Latifa Ibn Ziaten estimates that each one of us should face questions that we prefer sometimes to avoid, redefine her landmarks and attempt to defuse the tensions that weaken our society.
Every one of us knows these tensions. The French society is in constant evolution, but France should remain it-self: a country whose logo shows a spirit of openness and tolerance that it must preserve. All
the children of France, no matter what their history is, no matter of their origins, no matter of their beliefs, are the daughters and sons of the Republic. And They must be recognized as such. it is in our hands to live the equality of chances that will give back the vitality to our national cohesion. Among the association, Latifa Ibn Ziaten would like that at the end of each experience, the youth could keep on sharing the values of living together and to understand the meaning of respecting the human soul, beyond the differences. All the presented projects here express what the association IMAD wants to be: a group of actions led by the benefit of the youth, but also by weakened ladies by terrorism and on a wider aspect, families. It is also a power to serve peace.

Together with Imad
They worked on the verification of the book’s content and on the classification, then made them visible on the shelves. They worked on equipping every book in a testifying label of a taken action and of the taken role, this year with Ferdinand Buisson high school and the association Imad in setting up this project. Under the aegis of their supervisors, the youth were responsible for library transferring in order to be operational as soon as we leave. They did a real, thorough, technic, librarian job, allowing thereafter an optimal usage of the new equipment. this year the association IMAD wished to innovate to organize cultural and artistic activities on a large scale. The idea was to associate the youth of M’adiq and its region to a realization of a fresco that would decorate a facade or courtyard of partner schools, this realization would create a feeling of collective pride, associated with the benefits of cultural and social action.

Working together for a better living together
Including discovering a traditional culture and meeting others, through the participation in project, for this trip there were two gaols: cause a break with the spiral of failure in which some young people find themselves stuck in, with procession of disappointments and desperation, and to enter into a virtuous circle, promoting success and Restoring Self-Esteem. Around twenty troubled youth, comes from the disadvantaged environment and learns in the “school of the second chance” or in the EPIDE, they passed fifteen days in morocco.

To succeed in other place differently
as if the difference experienced had marked each one during his passage. on the initiative of this project, Stéphanie, and Victoria, French ladies who were in China to practice their profession in the diplomatic and finance field. There, they found a terraced French community and though that this solidarity does not exist beneath the French people in France. Five education institutes were our partners in this adventure: the college Diderot in Petit-Quevilly, the college Jean Lurçat in Sarcelles, the college Paul Eluard in Garges-lès-Gonesse, the college Vallon des Pins in Marseille, the high school des métiers Louise-Michel in Épinay-sur-Seine;

From Jérusalem to the Elysée
We have done an exchange between Palestinian, Israeli and French youth. the goal was to lead Palestinian, Israeli and French youth, from different confessions to meet each other in France, and to show that they can create links beneath each other in another country of theirs, We went to different places of worship: in a synagogue, in the grand mosque of Paris, and Notre Dame cathedral. we visited the institution of the Arab world and the Holocaust memorial.

"Digital House" at the Mulhouse Women's Prison
This project concerns women in prison in Mulhouse. The goal of the digital house is to fight against the exclusion of women, by offering them training to facilitate access to work, Because it gives them the means to achieve financial independence, such a measure can only promote their reintegration at the end of their sentence. It also helps to consolidate or restore confidence and self-esteem among these women, who often lack diplomas, while developing skills in the use of digital tools. As education and vocational training progresses, the spectre of radicalisation declines.

School of reading
Faced with idleness and boredom that can quickly lead young people to become targets for offenders, reading is also a remedy that the association intends to apply. from this perspective, the association IMAD for youth and peace opened, on December 28, 2016 in Dar Salem high school in Melloussa (morocco ), a school library that contains more than 1700 books, written or translated to French, In the long term, we would like to increase the number of access points to books, in order to create a true dynamic around this activity that is beneficial in every respect.

United Women for the Future, 2nd part
This project gathered a delegation of French women from different faiths and cultures, housewife, business leaders, elected officials, community or political activists, lawyers or teachers, representing several French regions. From Marrakech to M'diq via Tangier, they spent ten days exploring the action of Moroccan women as close as possible to the citizens. in the fields of associations, economics and politics, as well as the arts. Stylist, model, politician, singer, we met Moroccan women who are making a name for themselves. These committed and courageous women work in often very difficult fields. Challenging the rules, they free the voice of the oppressed, of those who are forgotten in society; they support the economic development of many project leaders.

United women for the future
This project was offered to Moroccan women who live in morocco, affected by terrorism who have lost a spouse, child or relative. During their trip to Paris, they discovered French cultural heritage and met other women who are victims of terrorist attacks, with whom they were able to exchange views on this subject. In contact with each other, having had similar life histories, they were able to move beyond their status as victims to consider their future turned towards new interests.

The cradle of three religions
Extending its collaboration with Sarcelles College, the Association IMAD for Youth and Peace organized a trip to Palestine and Israel. where co-existence is desired by a large part of the population who experienced it already, in practice, through mixed marriages, commercial relations or quite simply good neighbourliness between people of different religions.