The association for youth and peace

About us
"I have to stay up for my son's memory"

Latifa Ibn Ziaten is the mother of IMAD, the parachutist of the French
army assassinated by Merah in Toulouse. Since the tragedy, she goes to French
High Schools, transforming her sadness into a power to transmit a message
of tolerance and to fight against the fanaticism. The teachers call her to help
them face uncomfortable questions from their students. From debate to debate,
she responds with conviction to these young people, to parents, to all those
who feel lost.

Our last intervention
Conférence public, diversités et coexistence, Luce.

Ce mercredi 26 février, Latifa Ibn Ziaten s'est rendu à Luce où elle a donné une intervention dans la salle municipale de la ville, devant un public de plus de 180 élèves du Lycée professionnel Philibert de l'Orme en présence de l'adjointe au Maire, des élus locaux et représentants du personnel académiques.

Testimonials given to the association