Working together for a better living together
Including discovering a traditional culture and meeting others, through the participation in project, for this trip there were two gaols: cause a break with the spiral of failure in which some young people find themselves stuck in, with procession of disappointments and desperation, and to enter into a virtuous circle, promoting success and Restoring Self-Esteem. Around twenty troubled youth, comes from the disadvantaged environment and learns in the “school of the second chance” or in the EPIDE, they passed fifteen days in morocco.

During this period, they participated in re-establishing a close museum to the synagogue in Figuig. Initially, we wanted to re-establish the synagogue, that with its general condition was out of our budget. The aim of this project is the education of tolerance, in order to counteract the influences that led to fear and exclusion from each other. Through this action in the field, it was necessary that every one in this project to collaborate in the view of the common goal, the association wanted to help the youth to develop their capacity in understanding that the diversity in religions, languages and the cultures in the world, and not to take consider as pretext for conflict, but the otherwise to be considered as treasure that enriches all of us. Through those educational projects, already in its implemented or in preparation, the association IMAD for youth and peace tries to contribute to the construction of a world where peace and respect must be experienced as universal values. We, the citizens of the world. Through our association, IMAD for youth and peace, want to build bridges beneath the youth of different countries, in order to preserve our humanity from dangers that aim at it: the ignorance and the incomprehension that brings to intolerance, the fear and the conflicts. these paths that we invite one towards the other, gives the youth methods to hold a future of love and peace.