School of reading
Faced with idleness and boredom that can quickly lead young people to become targets for offenders, reading is also a remedy that the association intends to apply. from this perspective, the association IMAD for youth and peace opened, on December 28, 2016 in Dar Salem high school in Melloussa (morocco ), a school library that contains more than 1700 books, written or translated to French, In the long term, we would like to increase the number of access points to books, in order to create a true dynamic around this activity that is beneficial in every respect.

The goal of this project is, first, engage childrens’ interest and to lead them to integrate reading into their regular activities. This initiative also aims to give the youth the possibility to improve their command of the French language, but mainly, the access to the knowledge and to the culture, because it promotes the development of critical thinking and is part of a fight against dogmatism and intolerance.