The cradle of three religions
Extending its collaboration with Sarcelles College, the Association IMAD for Youth and Peace organized a trip to Palestine and Israel. where co-existence is desired by a large part of the population who experienced it already, in practice, through mixed marriages, commercial relations or quite simply good neighbourliness between people of different religions.

Seventeen youth French people went to discover this land, the birthplace of the three great monotheisms, and its unique heritage in the world. The youth who had been chosen as "Ambassadors for Peace" participated in a television programme in Israel. They shared a meal with Jewish families during the Sabbath, met with students and officials of the French High School in Jerusalem, as well as representatives of the Sakhnin football club, a symbol of cultural diversity and tolerance. Through this trip, the schoolchildren were able to become aware of the possibility of living together, despite the political difficulties that are hindering peace.