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The association for youth and peace
Latifa Ibn Ziaten
About us
The association IMAD
Volontaire d'Imad
Was founded by Latifa Ibn Ziaten on April 24th, 2012, the association Imad for youth and peace is a respond to the terrorist attacks in Toulouse and in its region in March of the same year. it carries the name of Latifa’s son, the marshal of lodgings- chef Imad Ibn Ziaten, he was killed on the age of 30 by Mohammed Merah, on 11th march 2012.
After Imad and less than ten days, another seven people became the terrorist’s victims. On 15th march the corporal Abel Chennouf and the corporal Mohamed Legouad lost their lives in Montauban. On 19th march four civil Jews of a Jewish confession were slaughtered in front of Ozar HaTorah school: the rabbi Jonathan Sandler, his children Gabriel and Aryeh, and Myriam Monsenego, the school’s manager’s daughter. The corporal Loïc Liber nowadays is tetraplegic and fights to rebuild his life.

By killing Imad Ibn Ziaten, Abel chennouf and Mohamed Legouad, the jihadi terrorist targeted at the Republic -of France- and the symbol that represents the integration, among the French army, children of immigrant families in France. By slaughtering four civil Jews of a Jewish confession, he put his claimed anti-Semitism gesture. By his criminal acts, against the idea of living together, the democracy and the republic -of France- that fought Mohammed Merah, fanatical follower of a radical Islam.
For that the remembrance of Imad and all the victims, civils and military of the terrorist attacks dwell in our memories. And for not giving the violence the last word, the association Imad for youth and peace sets itself a goal of working, to the concrete implementation of living together.
Volontaire d'Imad Equipe Imad
Latifa Ibn Ziaten
About us
Career of Imad Ibn Ziaten
Volontaire dImad

Deuxième d’une fratrie de cinq enfants, Imad Ibn Ziaten a grandi et fait ses études dans la région de Normandie.

Engagé volontaire pour huit ans le 1er mars 2004 en qualité d’élève sous-officier au titre de l’école nationale des sous-officiers d’active à Saint-Maixent-l’École, il est nommé caporal le 1er juin 2004, puis maréchal des logis le 1er juillet de la même année. Il achève sa formation initiale et s’oriente vers le domaine « mouvement ravitaillement ».

Le 02 novembre 2004, il choisit de servir au 1er régiment du train parachutiste à Cugnaux, en qualité de chef d’équipage livraison par air. Le 15 décembre 2004, il est breveté parachutiste au sein de l’école des troupes aéroportuaires à Pau.

Volontaire dImad

En 2005, il se perfectionne techniquement dans la filière « livraison par air » et dans le domaine des troupes aéroportées à Pau.

Volontaire dImad

De janvier à juillet 2006, il est désigné pour une première mission à Libreville, au sein des forces françaises au Gabon (FFG), comme chef de groupe de livraison par air. À ce titre, il reçoit une lettre de félicitation du commandant de la force aérienne de projection.

Volontaire dImad

Du 05 mai au 12 septembre 2007, il repart en mission de courte durée à la Réunion, comme chef de groupe « Proterre ». Au cours de la même année, il continue à se perfectionner et devient chef largueur éjection sur C160.

Volontaire dImad

Du 31 mai au 26 octobre 2008, il est envoyé en mission en République centrafricaine comme chef d’équipe livraison par air.

Volontaire dImad

Du 25 juin au 21 octobre 2009, il participe à l’opération « Épervier » au Tchad, toujours comme chef d’équipe de livraison par air

Volontaire dImad

Imad Ibn Ziaten est promu maréchal des logis-chef le 1er avril 2010.

Volontaire dImad

Du 28 mars au 19 avril 2011, il part en mission de renfort au Sénégal, dans le cadre de l’opération « Licorne ». Du 28 mai au 18 octobre, il est à nouveau envoyé au Tchad pour participer à l’opération « Épervier », comme sous-officier emploi mouvement-transit-livraison par air.

Volontaire dImad

En 2011-2012, il prépare le BSTAT (Brevet supérieur de Technicien de l’Armée de Terre).

Imad participait activement à la vie du régiment, au sein de son escadron mais aussi dans l’équipe de foot régimentaire où il jouait avant-centre. Durant la saison 2011-2012, l’équipe a gagné le championnat et accédé à la division d’honneur. Imad avait joué pratiquement tous les matchs, dont le dernier, le 09 mars 2012.

Le 11 mars 2012, Imad Ibn Ziaten, sous-officier du 1er Régiment du train parachutiste basé à Francazal, a été assassiné à Toulouse par Mohammed Merah. Devant le caractère inédit de ce drame, une loi a été votée le 27 novembre 2012, portant création de la mention « Mort pour le service de la Nation ».

Volontaire dImad

Le 11 mars 2013, Monsieur Jean-Yves Le Drian a remis les insignes de chevalier de la Légion d’honneur à titre posthume à l’adjudant Imad Ibn Ziaten. À cette occasion, le Ministre de la défense a rappelé que « attaquer les militaires parce qu’ils sont militaires, c’est prendre l’armée française pour cible, l’armée de la République, le cœur de la Nation, tous ceux qui mettent leur vie en jeu pour défendre notre souveraineté. »

Suivant son voeu le plus cher, le corps d’Imad Ibn Ziaten repose désormais au Maroc, sur les hauteurs de M’diq.

Latifa Ibn Ziaten
About us
The values
of the association
Volontaire d'Imad
Before anything else, it aspires to prevent sectarian and extremist excesses gnaws the French society, that maybe has dramatic consequences. For the sake of this, it supports the initiatives of strengthening the interreligious dialogue, either they are local or national, and focuses on being present in the field. The priority in its mission is the hearing and the dialogue with the youth that some of them feel left out. In parallel, the association will go through recognizing parents, and particularly single ladies, in order to help them, specially those who are from foreign origins, in anchoring their children’s’ education in French culture and customs. The integration must not be just a word, neither a wishful thinking: it proves itself internally, by the consciousness that one has to be a member of a society and a full citizen of a country that he lives in, or he grown in. this presence.
Besides the most fragile families and youth because they are lack of references, is in the heart of the conducted actions of the association, who gives the purpose of illuminating the construction of the national and territorial public action, while sharing the daily observation in the field with the elected and responsible people of the administration.
By interventions and conferences in educational institutions and in prison environment, by programs and educational sites implemented in France and abroad, the association IMAD for youth and peace aims to promote the Republic values, overall the secularism, such as a guarantee of free choice in religious matters for all the members of the civil society, which imposes on the one hand the mutual respect, and on other hand the strict observance of the laws of the Republic.
Since our children are our future, the association works for all the youth no matter of their social origins or cultural, could find, out of radical or criminal temptation, the way of their personal florescence beneath a more openminded society, rich of its diversity, respectful of the particularities of each one, united in values this are the dives of our country: freedom, equality, fraternity.
Equipe Imad
Volontaire d'Imad
Before anything else, it aspires to prevent sectarian and extremist excesses gnaws the French society, that maybe has dramatic consequences. For the sake of this, it supports the initiatives of strengthening the interreligious dialogue, either they are local or national, and focuses on being present in the field.
The priority in its mission is the hearing and the dialogue with the youth that some of them feel left out. In parallel, the association will go through recognizing parents, and particularly single ladies, in order to help them, specially those who are from foreign origins, in anchoring their children’s’ education in French culture and customs. The integration must not be just a word, neither a wishful thinking: it proves itself internally, by the consciousness that one has to be a member of a society and a full citizen of a country that he lives in, or he grown in. this presence.
Besides the most fragile families and youth because they are lack of references, is in the heart of the conducted actions of the association, who gives the purpose of illuminating the construction of the national and territorial public action, while sharing the daily observation in the field with the elected and responsible people of the administration.

By interventions and conferences in educational institutions and in prison environment, by programs and educational sites implemented in France and abroad, the association IMAD for youth and peace aims to promote the Republic values, overall the secularism, such as a guarantee of free choice in religious matters for all the members of the civil society, which imposes on the one hand the mutual respect, and on other hand the strict observance of the laws of the Republic.
Since our children are our future, the association works for all the youth no matter of their social origins or cultural, could find, out of radical or criminal temptation, the way of their personal florescence beneath a more openminded society, rich of its diversity, respectful of the particularities of each one, united in values this are the dives of our country: freedom, equality, fraternity.
Equipe Imad
Association's balance sheet
Download 2020 balance
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